Spring in Fairbanks Alaska is short, very wet, and late in the year. Spring usually begins in late April and lasts through part or all of May depending on how much snow we had that winter. But when spring rolls around my kids are anxious to get outside and play in the “warm” weather (above 30 degrees). So here are my spring necessities for a toddler:

Rain Suit
In Alaska we have a lot of snow that melts in the spring and rain suits are a must for keeping my babies dry and happy. Rain suits really extend the time that my kids can play outside. It’s not as heavy as a snowsuit but it keeps them dry in warm but wet weather. These are also great for playing outside when it’s a wet summer day or even into fall with a sweater or jacket underneath.
Related: How To Dress Your Kid for 30 Degrees
Rain Boots
Along with a rain suit, rain boots keep my kiddos feet dry when they run and splash into big puddles. as long as the puddles aren’t too deep! I have bogs that my kids wear for easy pull on boots. They work through winter and spring.
My toddlers love to fill buckets with water, snow, and rocks. I like to provide a variety of buckets to fill! My kids like the buckets to have handles. Small shovel’s may also be helpful for your toddler to scoop rocks, snow and other outdoor matter into.
This is hopefully an item that your littles can find outside. My kids love looking at cool rocks, washing them off, carrying them in their buckets, and trying to bring them inside. If rocks aren’t readily available outside of your house, go for a walk in the woods or to a nearby beach and take a look around.
My son is obsessed with chalk. As soon as the snow melts he loves going outside to draw whatever peaks his interest. I have to work to chip away the ice off of the pavement as soon as I can so that my kids can enjoy coloring.
My daughter likes to draw lines and bursts of color, but I’m sure one day she will love to color like her brother.
Related: 40+ Sensory Bin Ideas
Extra Clothes (LOTS)
Despite my best efforts, my kids clothes often get wet. So I make sure I have lots of extra clean clothes to change them into when we get inside so that they stay warm and dry. I try to wash the clothes a bit more frequently so that they have plenty of clothes to change into.