As a mom, you have to work on being prepared for anything. Your day may be spent at home, or you may be running in many different directions to get your kids to activities either way you need to have everything ready for anything to happen. In this post, I have compiled some practical ways that you can prepare for success.
Related: Baby Safe Sensory Play

Night Time
For us this is after our kids are in bed we get everything set up and cleaned and ready to go for the next day.
Reset The House
Make your house look great before you go to sleep. This will make you feel better the moment you wake up. You won’t wake up and see everything you have to do, instead you will wake up and see your home beautiful and clean. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but clean off the counters, clean the floors and it will feel like it’s a brand new home. If your kids are older, get them to help out!
Refill Water Bottles
Making sure all the water bottles are full at night just takes one more thing off of my plate for the next day. It’s easier to fill them up when my babies are both asleep, than trying to fill one when my son is demanding water and my daughter screams when she’s put down.
Change Out Toys
We have a daily toy rotation. Every day (or close to it) we empty out a new box of toys that are always out and put away the toys that were out the previous day.
Change Out Books
We also have a daily book rotation. Every night (or close to it) we take all the books that were out and put them away and get out the new rotation.
Make Lunches
We stay at home most days for lunch, but if your kids or spouse are going to school or work, then you should prepare their lunches ahead of time.
Meal Prep
If you need to get any food out of the freezer to defrost, this is the time to do it. If you can’t chop veggies when your kids awake, do that now as well.
Choose Clothes
We don’t choose our clothes the day before, but we will probably start this when my son is a bit older. It’s a great way to make sure your clothes are clean when you need them.
Create A To Do List
It’s best to spend a few minutes the night before planning what needs to be done. Don’t make it unachievable. Make sure you are able to accomplish everything on it so you don’t feel discouraged.
Pack Bags
We have a diaper bag that is always kept stocked. If I use anything from it, I refill it so it’s always ready. If your kids are going to school, make sure their homework is packed. If you or your spouse is going to work, pack up everything they need to bring with them or have them have a bag all packed and ready to go by the door.
Related: Diaper Bag Checklist
Get Enough Sleep
This is very important! Prioritize your sleep! Go to bed at a decent time and get the sleep you need.
Related: A Day In The Life Of A Stay At Home Mom Of 3
First Thing In The Morning
Get Up Before Your Kids
I don’t do this often, but when I do, I feel so much better. I get all the dry dishes put away, some Bible study time first thing in the morning, and my day just seems to go much smoother.
Get Dressed & Ready
Even if you stay at home, put clothes on- not pajamas. You will feel better if you are dressed like you are going places. It’s completely psychological but it works.
Drink Water
Drinking water first thing in the morning has been shown to have many benefits. Have at least one big cup of water- not coffee.
A few stretches in the morning can prepare you for a day full of holding and playing with kids.
Eat A Healthy Breakfast
Try to eat protein and carbs at this meal. If you can sneak some veggies in, that will help you get your energy levels up as well.
Time With God
Spend some time praying or reading the Bible. Set your day on the right path by putting God first. If you can do this before your kids wake up you may be able to focus better.