When you have sick kids it can really make your day a struggle, especially when its more than one who is sick. These tips can help you manage when you’re in the midst of sickness.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical expert and this is not meant to take the place of medical advice. Please contact your doctor if you are worried about your child.

Any Kind Of Sick
If you have breast milk, give it to them, even if it’s frozen it can still be beneficial if it’s fresh and you were or are sick it has antibodies for your baby.
Let Babies Sleep
When my kids are sick I let them get as much sleep as they want. The last time my daughter was sick she slept for 15.5 hours at night. Usually she sleeps for 12.5 hours. Letting her rest allowed her to quickly get over her sickness. While you sleep your body will fight off sickness and it’s the same for babies and toddlers.
Give Lots Of Snuggles
When babies and toddlers are sick they often just want to snuggle. Yes this sometimes means your clothes will get filthy or that both of you will be taking baths or showers. But when your kids are sick, some levels of cleanliness go out the window.
Screen Time
When my kids aren’t feeling well we put a movie on the tv and chill for the day. If you don’t usually allow screen time you may want to waver a bit on sick days. If you already allow screen time you may want to be more lax on days when you have a sick kiddo.
If your baby has a fever you may want to contact your health care provider to double check if they want to see your baby or not. Additionally if you are concerned about your child’s sickness you can always contact your health care provider and get a second opinion.
Cold Sick
If your kid has a runny/stuffy nose or a cough try these tips:
Essential Oils
Breathe again roller – I only use this on kids over 18 months. I like to put it on their back and shoulders.
Having a humidifier really helps to make sure your baby’s nose doesn’t get all dried out. It can also help to make their throat more moist so they don’t cough as much
Nose Sucker Or Bulb
For young toddlers and babies who can’t blow their noses, it’s really good to have something to get the snot out. The nose Frida is the only one you should get. I bought an off brand one and on the third use it was literally falling apart.
Saline Spray
When using a nose sucker it’s important to loosen up the snot by using nasal spray just before sucking.
NOTE: If your baby or child is struggling to breathe, call your doctor or take them to the emergency room- RSV is a respiratory disease and can lead to pneumonia which is serious.
Flu Sick
If your kid is vomiting and having trouble keeping foods or water down try out these tips:
Stay Hydrated
For babies above 6 months feed them small swigs of water & crackers. If you let them drink too much water it may cause them to throw up if they are vomit sick. They still need fluids so they don’t get dehydrated. Crackers are easy on the tummy and provide them with carbs for energy. If they aren’t vomiting then chicken noodle soup can be amazing. The broth provides lots of liquid and carrots and celery are great for vitamins.
Clean Up
Clean up messes the best you can, baking soda is great for cleaning up the smell and liquid of vomit. It’s great if you can prevent the mess. I like to use reusable doggie pee pads under my kids or near where they are on something I don’t want to clean up later. For an even easier clean up, you can also purchase disposable ones. If vomit gets on carpet or upholstery, you can sprinkle baking soda on and let it sit for a few hours then vacuum it up.
Love Them
Tell them you love them. Make sure your kids know they are valued in sickness and in health.
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What Not To Do:
DO NOT freak out or say gross or make faces. Just don’t. It will make your children feel insecure and possibly cause them to not tell you if they aren’t well. You want to make sure you keep their trust and that they come to you no matter what. If your gag reflex comes out, try your best to put on a brave face for your kids.