What It’s Like Having 3 Kids

My youngest is now 2, so I’ve had 3 kids for 2 years and I actually just had my 4th, but I wrote this post when my youngest was 16 months, I just didn’t get around to formatting and posting it until now. Here are my thoughts and opinions on having 3 kids. 

Related: Day In The Life Of A Stay At Home Mom

what it's like having 3 kids

They are loved by siblings

My youngest is always a happy middle ground for my son and daughter. They fight over who gets to sit with her and constantly say “I wanna sit by her”. They don’t do the same for each other. 

A 3rd allows for another play mate

When my older two are fighting and at each other’s throats I can suggest that they try to play with their little sister. Often they will go and include her in their play. They sometimes even both try to play with her and get along while doing so. 

Never enough hands

I often hold my youngest and have my older two hold my other hand- one will get my pointer finger and the other will have my pinky while we cross a parking lot. It’s not ideal but it works. My oldest is almost at an age where he can just stick close enough without holding my hand when going to and from a store. 

Cart ride

Once we’ve arrived at a store we have to grab a cart and figure out what configuration the kids will have. Usually my 3 year old loves to ride the side of the cart, my 4 year old wants to sit inside and my youngest would rather be held but I force her into the assigned seat because carrying a baby and pushing a cart is not something I like to do. 

Related: How To Get Out Of The House Quickly With Kids

My lap isn’t big enough 

Sometimes all my kids will want to sit on my lap and there really isn’t enough space. I do my best to set them up so I can hold them all, but despite my best efforts they often end up frustrated when this happens. 

We aren’t invited to as much

As sad as it is to say, having 3 small kids means my family isn’t always invited to as many events because bringing all the kids can be overwhelming for other people. People also assume that we’re too busy or unavailable for events so we don’t have as many invites to adult events. 

Clothing is difficult

As soon as one kid grows out of something the next can fit into it. This sounds great, but it’s actually a bit of a struggle when that one piece of clothes is a favorite and they don’t want their sibling to be wearing “their” clothes. 

It becomes an answer

If someone asks me how teething is going my answer is “this is my 3rd kid”. When you tell someone that they automatically realize you may be more knowledgeable on raising kids than they are. 


My son is jealous that the girls get to share a room together. He’s a very social guy and he would love to get to talk to his sisters and have someone else to share a room with. 

Take turns

My husband and I like to take turns with who has 2 kids and who has one. Usually the youngest stays home while the older two go somewhere, but going to a store with just my middle child is a wonderful experience. She’s just a joy to take. She sometimes is singing or running around, sometimes she politely asks to do something. Sometimes she helps load up the cart or unload the cart. It’s so much easier to allow a kid to help you when you only have one with you at a time. 

I’m a born and raised Alaskan and stay-at-home mom of two.  I love baking, scrapbooking, and working on money saving strategies.