This play dough is the best. It’s super soft and it lasts forever. Playdough will provide your child with hours of entertainment! It can also be relaxing for adults too, especially since it’s such a soft playdough.
I love making this play dough for my son and he LOVES playing with it. This dough doesn’t really last forever, but it lasts a long time, if it’s stored appropriately. Check out this post to see more toys that toddlers love!
Related: Sensory Play Ideas

What’s great about homemade play dough is it’s cheap, it’s customizable, and it won’t hurt your kids if they eat it! My son still likes to taste the play dough, I don’t know why as it’s incredibly salty.
Warning: If your child drinks a large amount of water and then eats some play dough it will make them throw up due to the salt content. I’m speaking from experience here, and it happened right after we all had a stomach bug so I thought he had caught it again.
When do you introduce playdough to your child? If your child is mostly not putting everything in their mouth you can introduce playdough to your child under close supervision! Between one and two years old is when I started introducing playdough to my son.
Ingredients for play dough
- 2 cups flour
- 2 cups water
- 1/2 cup salt
- 2 tbsp cream of tartar
- 2 tbsp oil
Optional add ins
- Kool-aid packet
- Food coloring
- Cocoa powder 1/4 a cup
- Seasonings (cayenne, paprika, pumpkin spice, cinnamon)
- Glitter
- Sequins
- Essential oils 2-5 drops

Related: Potty Training Struggles
- Mix all ingredients (except optional add ins) in a saucepan until smooth
- Turn the stove to medium
- Stir constantly until it is all cooked. It will go from looking wet to a slightly darker color that looks more dry
- Remove from heat. Do not over cook!
- Allow the dough to cool to a temperature that you can touch
- Knead the dough
- Add in add ins at this time
- Play to your heart’s content!
Make sure you store your dough in an airtight container to prolong its life.
This play dough makes a good amount. If you only want a little bit, I suggest either splitting it into two or three sections for different colors or halving the recipe.