This potato meal plan is for one and it’s based around potatoes. Potatoes have a ton of nutrients and they’re great for cheap eating. To keep the cost as low as possible, all prices are from Walmart. I’m assuming that no sauces or seasonings exist in your kitchen. Keep in mind, I live in the second most expensive state for groceries so unless you live in Hawaii, these prices might be cheaper in your area. This meal plan requires very little cooking.
Related: 100 + Ways To Use Potatoes

To Buy
- Potatoes- $4 (10 lbs)
- Chili- $.77
- Cheese- $2.66 (8 oz great value taco blend)
- Butter- $1.54 (imperial)
- Cauliflower- $1.24 (12 oz frozen)
- Broccoli- $1.24 (12 oz frozen)
- Garlic- $.60
- Gravy- $1.40 (pioneer country) x3
- Taco seasoning- $.62
- Eggs- $2.03 (18 count)
- Mayo- $2.28 (18 oz)
- Chicken- $8.79 (2-3 lbs @ 3.44 lb)
- Bread- $1.98
Total: $31.95
Eggs & toast– fry some eggs and serve over a piece of toast
Buttered toast– spread a pat of butter on a piece of toast
Potatoes & gravy– dice some potatoes and either bake or pan fry them, top with gravy
Chicken salad– mix mayo and chicken salad together, spread between two pieces of bread
Egg salad- mix hard boiled eggs and mayo together, spread between two pieces of bread
Mashed potatoes & gravy- boil potatoes until soft then mash with butter, serve with gravy
Grilled cheese– pan fry 2 slices of bread with cheese between
Chili potato– bake a potato then top with some chili
Tex mex potato– top a baked potato with taco seasoning and cheese
Egg & cheese potato– fry an egg and top a baked potato
Garlic & cauliflower potato– top a baked potato with butter, garlic, and cauliflower
Sheet pan potato & broccoli– bake a diced potato and broccoli for 20-40 minutes at 400, until the potatoes are soft
Related: $10 Meal Plan
Sample Meal Plan
- Sunday
- Breakfast– buttered toast
- Lunch– egg salad sandwich
- Dinner– chili potato
- Monday
- Breakfast– eggs & toast
- Lunch-chicken salad sandwich
- Dinner– egg & cheese potato
- Tuesday
- Breakfast– potatoes & gravy
- Lunch– egg salad sandwich
- Dinner– chili potato
- Wednesday
- Breakfast– buttered toast
- Lunch– potatoes & gravy
- Dinner– garlic & cauliflower potato
- Thursday
- Breakfast– eggs & toast
- Lunch– chicken salad sandwich
- Dinner– egg & cheese potato
- Friday
- Breakfast– potatoes & gravy
- Lunch– egg salad sandwich
- Dinner– garlic & cauliflower potato
- Saturday
- Breakfast– buttered toast
- Lunch– leftovers
- Dinner– leftovers
- Use the microwave to “bake” your potatoes
- Bake all your potatoes at the beginning of the week then refrigerate until ready to eat. Microwave, air fry, or oven bake to reheat
- Hard boil some eggs at the beginning of the week to save time
If You Can Afford More Option 1
If you have a little more spending money get these things and have some more variety in your meals and some fruit to make your diet more balanced. These additional foods will make it so you will have enough food for more than one week.
To Buy
- Apples- 5 gala apples $4.45 ($1.78 per lb)
- Bananas- 5 bananas $1.70 (.84 per lb)
- Pasta sauce- (prego) 24 oz $2.50
- Hot dogs- 12 oz $1.36
- Mac & cheese- $.60
Total: $10.61
Related: Family Of 4 Meal Plan
If You Can Afford More Meal Ideas Option 1
Apple toast– slice an apple and either sauté or serve over toast raw
Yogurt– enjoy a bowl for breakfast or get plain to make mashed potatoes creamy
Apple grilled cheese– add sliced apple to your grilled cheese
Pizza grilled cheese- thinly slice hot dogs and add some pasta sauce to a grilled cheese
Spaghetti potato– top your baked potato with some spaghetti sauce and meat as you can afford
Mac & cheese– enjoy a bowl of mac & cheese or top a baked potato with mac & cheese. You can also add a hot dog
If You Can Afford More Option 2
- Celery- $2.70 (1 lb)
- Zucchini- $1.09 ($1.98 a lb) X3
- Onions- $2.94 (3 lb bag)
- Cucumbers- $1.12 (1.12 lb)
- Apples- $4.78 (fuji 3 lb bag)
- Peanut butter- $4.48 (64 oz)
Meals If You Can Afford More Option 2
Celery– can be added to egg or chicken salad for more flavor
Zucchini– can be a great side when baked in sticks or circles. Zucchini can also be added on top of a baked, mashed or diced potato for more veggies. Additionally you can turn them into “noodles” and serve them with chili
Onions– add great flavor to many dishes
Cucumbers– a great snack or side dish
Apples– for a sweet treat, or a great breakfast
Peanut butter– add some to an apple, celery, or bread. Peanut butter is also great by itself