Life with two under two is an adventure every day. My son was 17 and a half months old when my daughter was born. If you do the math, that means that when my son was 9 months old when I became pregnant. My daughter was definitely a planned pregnancy and we were actually trying even earlier. We wanted our kids to be close in age and to be best friends, so we ended up with two babies under two years old.
The age gap between my brother and I was two and a half years. For me this age gap was too big. I wanted to make sure my kids had a smaller age gap, and have a best friend growing up who they could share memories with and experience life with.
I love the two under two age gap between my babies. But let me tell you, it was hard in those first few months. Part of what made it so tough is that my husband was working long hours so he wasn’t home as much as I wanted him to be home. I was on my own for long hours each week day and even some weekends. But now that my kids are 28 months and almost 10 months, they are becoming more self-sufficient. They are becoming closer friends. The other day I even asked my son if he wanted more siblings and he said yes! He must love his little sister a lot to want to have more babies running around stealing his toys.

The Positives Of Two Under Two
So, what is life like when you have two small children under two years of age?
Both Kids Are Into Similar Activities & Toys
Both kids will be interested in similar activities and toys. My son loves hiding under blankets and my daughter loves seeing him reappear- that’s at least 10 minutes of entertainment without my involvement! They also love pull back cars, lego blocks, blocks, and anything they can put in their mouths.
Related: The Best Toys For Toddlers
Toddlers Tend To Love Babies
Toddlers seem to love babies. They like to point them out in the store. They like to wave to them whenever they see them. Lots of toddlers like to say baby with all the excitement they can muster. My son wasn’t one of those toddlers, but when I brought home his sister he was excited to meet her. He liked to hold her in his lap. He quickly became one of those toddlers who loved at least his sister.
The Older One Wasn’t An Only Child For Long
My son wasn’t an only child for long before I started talking to him about his sibling coming soon. He doesn’t remember being an only child. His sister is so ingrained in our lives, I think we both can’t imagine what life would be like without her. He was so excited to be a big brother and even today I asked him if he liked being a big brother and if he wanted more siblings- he does!
Not Out Of The Diaper Stage Yet
This is a huge one for me. I didn’t want to have my second kid after my first was completely done with diapers. I wanted to still be in the groove of it and I am. Knee deep in all the pee and poop I could ever want (or not want). I don’t remember what it’s like to have a day where I don’t change at least one poopy diaper (or pair of underwear that was pooped in under the table).
Related: Potty Training Struggles
They Entertain Each Other
Our kids are sharing a room now and they interact with one another for quite some time before they go to sleep. It’s so sweet to see how my son is trying to get his sister to pass him a toy, but she has no clue what he’s asking for. My son likes to pull his train away from his sister while she chases after him, which is something she will be doing for quite some time.
They Have The Same Sleep Times (Sometimes)
After a couple of months, both of my babies were sleeping for at least 30 minutes at the same time. This was an amazing change. I could just hang out and do whatever I wanted without having to worry about my children. After 30 minutes or so, one of them would wake up, but for those precious minutes I had some time by myself. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have a child who just got out of needing naps and a newborn at the same time. I wouldn’t get that much needed break. Now I get about an hour and a half where they are both sleeping. It’s glorious.
Related: 7 Reasons Parenting Is Hard
The Negatives
You Can’t Always Help Them Both
Your infant may need to have her diaper changed right when your toddler has taken his diaper off and is running around buck naked. You won’t be able to help them both, but use your mom judgement on if you can handle the possibility of poop on your couch, or if you can handle a screaming infant for one minute while you put the diaper on your toddler.
Related: What You Really Need For Baby
They Fight For Attention
This goes along with not always being able to help them both. There are times when you will be stuck nursing an infant and your toddler will want you to come to their room and throw some balls into the air (don’t ask, I don’t really understand it but it’s a favorite game). You may feel torn, possibly literally, if they’re pulling your arm. But don’t worry, your toddler will still love you.
Your second child will probably be hurt a whole lot more, and possibly bitten or pushed without your knowledge. But they will be stronger for it. My daughter still looks at her brother with love and admiration.
Related: How To Get Out Of The House Quickly With 2 Toddlers
2 Under 2 Summary
I think the best way to sum up two under two is this: you’re nursing your youngest and you see your toddler grab a knife from the open dishwasher. So you have to set down your infant quickly or hold her tight as you chase your toddler who now thinks it’s a game and is still holding a sharp knife. That was a terrifying moment as a mom. There were no injuries and now, being over two, my son is much safer around knifes. He doesn’t touch them when they’re left on a table or in the dishwasher.
I’ve had to take breaks and leave my children alone in a safe environment while I took 5 minutes to calm myself down so I could be a logical human being. My husband watches the kids at least once a week for several hours while I can do whatever I want and that is the biggest blessing. Some days he gets home from work and I just say I need a break. Despite his long, rough day at work he takes over the clingy baby and active toddler so I can recuperate.
They love each other though. Through thick and thin they’re there for each other. I’m so excited to see their friendship grow and develop.
If you want to know what transitioning them to the same room was like check out this post.