When you’re expecting a new baby, but you already have a toddler it can be hard to help your toddler to adjust to being a big sibling. Here are some things I have done to prepare a toddler for a baby.
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Baby Doll
We introduced a baby doll to my son before my daughter was born. We practiced feeding the baby and holding the baby and being gentle. My son was very sweet with the baby doll and I definitely feel as though it helped prepare him for a real baby. We already had the baby doll around when my daughter was going to become a big sister for the first time, but she is naturally a mother. She loves the baby doll and can become distressed if she feels the baby isn’t being cared for. She loves feeding the baby, carrying the baby, and changing the baby’s diaper.
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Toddlers have a hard time waiting for something they want right now. Make sure that you practice needing to wait for something before the baby comes. Tell your toddler that you can’t hold them right now, but you will in a minute. You don’t need to have a reason that they need to wait, just practice waiting.
Books And Videos
We have one or two books about a new baby that we got before my daughter was born. My daughter loves reading them and talking about how to take care of the baby. We also have seen the episode of Daniel Tiger where Margaret is born and I relate it to how they will have a new sibling soon. The Berenstain bears also have a book on a new sibling. Having your toddler see how other kids interact with their siblings can be helpful.
We talk about how there is a baby in mama’s tummy and that the baby will come soon. We talk about where the baby’s car seat will go. We talk about how we have to be very gentle with babies. We also talk about how babies will be fed. Early on my daughter was confused about where the baby was and would point to my breasts when we talked about the baby, so I told her that that’s where the milk for the baby was and that the baby was in my tummy. It took a little time, but she finally got it.
Other Babies
My son didn’t really have any experience with teeny tiny babies before my daughter came. But there was a baby who was between 3-6 months when we started talking about having a new baby of our own. I have a friend who recently had a baby and my daughter is in love with that child. She wants to see the baby even though the baby isn’t awake most of the time. She wants to gently pat the baby and say hi.
We put an ultrasound picture up on the fridge. My daughter loves to point to the picture and say baby then talk about how the baby is in my tummy. We also love to look at pictures of my son and daughter when they were babies. They frequently get confused on which baby they’re looking at when we look at old pictures because they look quite similar as babies, but they love seeing tiny babies.
Make sure that your toddler gets lots of time with you before the baby comes. Assure your child that you will always love them and that they get to love a new family member once the baby comes.
If you are going to have a c-section it is a great idea to prep your toddler for you not being able to pick them up. You can get a step stool and have them practice getting to things they need to be able to use- like their high chair. You can also work on teaching them to climb into their car seat by themselves.