When you’re nine months pregnant and you feel huge and you can’t wait to meet bundle of joy, you may be wondering if there’s anything you can do to kickstart your labor. There are some tricks that some people claim started their labor.
Personally I wouldn’t suggest trying to start these until you are full term!
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Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. This is not medical advice. Please consult your healthcare professional before attempting any of the following.

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These are some foods that have been thought to induce labor.
- Spicy food- Many cultures believe that eating spicy food will get your labor started. If you’re into spicy food it can’t hurt to try it.
- Licorice- This has to be a natural black licorice. It is thought that this may interfere with cortisol levels which are involved in when labor begins.
- Pineapple- This isn’t the entire pineapple, this is specifically the core of the pineapple that is supposed to induce labor. Bromelain is in the core which is an enzyme that is thought to ripen the cervix. However you have to eat a LOT of pineapple cores to get enough to completely ripen your cervix.
- Dates -This is one food you can start eating earlier. It’s believed that if you eat three to six dates each day during your pregnancy that you’re labor will be quick and you won’t go past your due date.
- Red raspberry leaf tea- This is something that is supposed to tone your uterus so that your labor is quick. For this one, make sure you are very careful as it’s possible that this could lead to strong contractions that cause baby distress.
If you’re ready to get moving, these ideas are how you might be able to get your baby moving out.
- Swinging- If you love to swing it can’t hurt to try. I bet you have to be on it for hours though.
- Squatting- Squatting helps the baby get into an optimal position and is thought to induce labor by baby’s head pressing onto the cervix.
- Lunges-Lunges are in a similar line as squatting where baby’s head is pressing onto the cervix.
- Laughing- Have you ever been laughing for a while and it felt like you had a huge ab workout? Well it’s possible that laughing could cause contractions which may lead to labor.
- Walking- I know it’s probably the last thing you want to do, when you’re feet ache, but if you really want to get that baby out, this is probably a good option. The bouncing of baby’s head on your cervix may get it ready enough for labor to start.
- Bouncing on a ball- I’ve heard lots of stories of women who sit on a ball bouncing for hours and then finally labor starts. It’s once again that movement against the cervix that can help get labor going.
- Sideways stair walking- This one is oddly specific. You step up the stairs side ways to put more pressure on baby to yet again press on the cervix.
Other Ways To Kickstart Labor
Some other ways that are thought to induce labor.
- Cuddling- The release of the hormone oxytocin can possibly start labor.
- Nipple stimulation/ pumping- Be careful with this one. The contractions may be quite intense if you start labor with pumping or nipple stimulation. This is beyond nursing a baby or toddler. This is a stimulation that is longer and more intense than just nursing.
- Prim rose oil- This is something that is supposed to ripen the cervix. There are rumors going around that it can cause long painful labors.
- Bumpy car ride- This one is more the pressure of baby’s head on your cervix starting labor.
- Essential oils- Celery sage, jasmine, rose, and geranium specifically are supposed to bring on labor. These are also useful to help labor along if your labor has already begun.
- Acupressure- There are supposed to be specific pressure points that can help labor begin. There are many video’s on Youtube about this.
- Castor oil- This is probably the scariest of all the method’s. Drink some castor oil and it could upset your stomach enough to cause contractions that lead to labor. I personally have tried every single one (to some extent of these) except this one. I read too many horror stories about women who got really sick and felt awful and didn’t go into labor to try this.