My husband and I went on a trip and ate out with both of our young kids several times. My son was 2.5 and my daughter was just over 1. It was a struggle every time to make sure that we asked for what we needed and that our kids weren’t terrorizing the entire establishment. So here are my tips for eating out with young kids.

Related: How To Get Out Of The House Quickly With Young Kids
Bring Books & Small Activities
Having something small to entertain your kids while you wait to order and wait for your food to arrive can be paramount to keeping the peace in the restaurant. Bring some favorite books, or water wonder pages. Some people have small kits specifically for restaurants.
Crayons & Paper
Many restaurants provide a kids menu with a puzzle or coloring sheet on the back. They will also provide crayons. If they don’t give you crayons you can always ask if they have any. Be careful if your child still likes to put things in their mouth, or you may have some interesting colored toddler poop in the future.
Cup With Lid & Straw
Many restaurants will provide a “kids cup” where they have a lid and straw for your child. If they do not have kid cups, then you should ask for a straw to minimize spilling water all over.
Extra Napkins
Kids make messes, it’s better to have more napkins ready to go than to have water soaking into your pants until the waitstaff can help. Make sure you ask for extra napkins right away.
Get A High Chair
Your kid may not spend much time in it, but it will be nice to have your hands free at some point during the meal. If the restaurant has high chairs or offers one, accept it so that you can have some kid free time. You can also get a portable high chair as well like this one.
Move Things Away
Salt, pepper, glasses, candles, ect all need to be moved away from your kids’ reach. Our last eating out experience had these gas lamps and my son put one out with his fingers. He wasn’t hurt or anything, but next time we will make sure it’s out of his reach.
Don’t Order A Kids Item
When your kids are really little they will likely just eat what you’re eating. Kids items are overpriced and usually quite small. Sometimes kids don’t even want to eat the kids item that they wanted 10 minutes ago.
Usually appetizers are somewhat expensive, but for us it was necessary because it kept our kids entertained for longer while we waited for our main course. Coconut shrimp, Tater tots, and Nachos all make great appetizers for young kids to eat, just stay away from spicy foods.
Finger Foods
If possible, try ordering something with finger foods such as fries, tater tots, veggies etc. Kids love finger foods and it can keep them happy.
Clean Up
Don’t leave a huge mess for your server. With little kids there will be a mess, do your best to clean the area at least a little. Pick up big pieces of food off the ground, sop up water off the table.
Related: How To Shop With Toddlers
When your kids are needy, noisy, and messy, make sure you’re compensating your waitstaff appropriately for their help and clean up. All the waitstaff we encountered were all stars when it came to helping our family eat a tasty meal despite our children being children. Make sure that you plan on giving your waitstaff a larger tip.