Baking Products I love

All opinions are my own.  I am not receiving any money for these opinions.  These are the products that I use when I bake. To be able to efficiently bake you need to have some good quality basics.  

Baking Sheets

I love using these Nordic ware pans.  I bought some darker ones because I liked the way they looked, but when I tried to bake cookies on them they were not successful.  Stick to the silver aluminum pan to bake cookies on or the bottoms of your cookies may burn.

Mixing Bowls

Several months ago, I went on a search for the best mixing bowls and I think I have found them.  I used to have only glass Pyrex bowls and those are good, but they are heavy, don’t have a handle, they have no pour spout, no grip and they lack color.  I then went on to try some metal bowls, but they were  noisy, the lids didn’t fit well, no pour spout, and no handle.  These mixing bowls hit all the marks.  The one downside to these bowls is that they are not microwave safe.  

Cookie Scoops

When I was young I used to always hand roll cookies, my mom never had a cookie scoop.  But at some point in my adult life I acquired a cookie scoop and I will never go back.  I have 3 different sizes and I use all of them frequently.  I like this style of spring loaded scoops.

Danish Whisk

This is the newest of my must haves for baking, but I can’t imagine making cookies or bread without it.  Dough comes together so quickly with this device.  If you don’t have one you should get one ASAP. The one downside is that it’s not great for creaming butter and sugar, so I have to use two utensils to make one batch of cookies.

Measuring Cups

I have a set of Pyrex measuring cups that I love and use for everything that isn’t a sticky liquid.  For sticky liquids I use a set of metal measuring cups, but I’m not a huge fan of those.  

Rolling Pin

If you plan to roll anything out you need some sort of rolling pin.  I love this marble one because the dough doesn’t stick to it very much (even without dusting it with flour) especially compared to wooden ones.  It also is weighty so you don’t need to press much to get the dough flat and even.

Oven Thermometer

If there’s any chance that your oven might not be the right temperature it can really mess up your bake, so make sure you have an oven thermometer inside your oven to check to be sure the oven is telling you the right temperature.  I’ve found that my oven tells me it’s ready before the inside is the proper temperature.

Measuring Spoons

Honestly I don’t use these as much as other things on this list because I tend to guesstimate on most items that are under 1 tablespoon.  But these are the measuring spoons I have and do use on occasion.  I love that they are magnetic and not attached by something making it so that you have to wash all the spoons when you use just one or two.  I also enjoy that they have two different styles so one side will fit in a jar.

Oven Gloves

You have to have some way to remove hot items from the oven.  I used to only use hot pads, but then I used a pair of these at a friends house and I loved how much more control I felt I had over the pan so of course I had to get a pair of my own.  If you have extra large or extra small hands these might not be great for you, but for me they work well.