I was taking my toddlers to the store, I saw a mother with two children, one in the cart, the other literally laying on the ground screaming. I felt my heart fill with empathy and understanding. I’ve been there. After a few minutes her son got up and they continued on. A minute after that my own son started throwing a tantrum. I don’t remember what it was about, but he was upset. I was able to calm him by holding him as we walked through more of the store together. After a bit he was fine again and he walked along the side of the cart happy as could be.
Going to the grocery store with little kids can be tough. But it doesn’t have to be. Here are some solutions I have found to keep tantrums and battles at bay while we shop.

Don’t Give In
We went to a store recently and my son saw the TY toys with the big eyes and went and picked up a unicorn. I told him that we weren’t going to get it but he could carry it around while we were in the store. She happily held that unicorn to his chest through the entire store but when we got to check out I told him he had to put it back. He reluctantly did so and said goodbye. I was bracing for the tantrum. I fully expected him to cry and teach for it and not be willing to part with the unicorn. I was even debating in my mind on buying it. But there was no tantrum. My son was completely content with parting with the unicorn at the end of our trip.
So when you go shopping, don’t give in. Stick to your guns every time. You can compromise like I did, but don’t buy them something every time you go to the store because then they will expect it.
Related: How To Get Out Of The House Quickly With Toddlers
Give Them Something To Do
When we go to the store now my 2.5 year old son happily walks alongside the cart and helps me by putting the groceries that I tell him to get into the cart. He loves being mama’s big helper.
Give your child ways they can help. They can be large ways, or small ways. You can even get them to help you write your shopping list if they’re old enough. If you’re on a tight budget and your child can do simple math, have them add up the cost of all the items you purchase. It will be a learning experience and they will be helping!
Give Them Options
For my son when we first walk into the store, I offer him an option. He can choose to sit in the cart or walk by the cart. He almost always chooses to walk by the cart. Sometimes half way through he wants to sit in the cart and of course I let him. Giving him this option helps him to have more control over the situation in a way that I am okay with. He is happier and more compliant.
Let your children choose some options that you are okay with. If you can let them choose between items in the store, or if you can let them choose where they sit, they will feel like they have control and they will be happier as a result.
Find Kid Friendly Carts
When we go to Walmart, I always look for the carts that have two seats right next to each other for bigger kids. My son loves those seats because he gets to sit next to his sister. They’re especially great because when you have a third child, there’s a space for them where that kid gets to look at the older kids.
I don’t like the carts that have the cars on the front of them because toddlers have a tendency to get their feet stuck under the wheels and then get hurt. Additionally they tend to climb out while you’re moving and also get hurt. You really want to avoid tears, not cause them.
Let Them Have Fruit
While we are in the store, I always go to the fruit last because I know both of my children will devour any fruit in the cart before we can check out. That package of blueberries or raspberries will be empty before we leave. The grapes are a problem because they are supposed to be by weight, so I try to avoid getting them while my children are with me.
Most stores have a policy that allows children to eat a piece of fruit as they are in the store. Take advantage of this and allow your child to choose some fruit to eat. It will keep them busy as they go through the store.
Related: 60 + Activities For Toddlers
Be Aware Of Breakables
My son was sitting in the cart but so were the eggs. I turned around for two seconds and when I turned back again, an egg was cracked and the yolk was on the floor. The egg whites covered my son’s hands and some were on the metal bars on the bottom of the cart.
I have since learned that if my son is in the cart, the eggs go on the bottom of the cart. If my son is walking next to the cart, the eggs go inside the cart.
Prevent a problem and put breakable items either in the cart or on the bottom of the cart based on where your kids are.
Expect Tantrums
When you take a toddler to the store, you should expect tantrums. I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but remember toddlers have big feelings about things and they are real feelings. Also realize most people don’t think you’re a bad mom because your child is throwing a tantrum. Other people may even think you’re handling it well. Be prepared to take a deep breath and wait for the tantrum to pass.
Related: 7 Reasons Parenting Is Hard
That’s my list of how you can handle two small children while shopping. Similar tricks should apply for shopping with more kids or even just one kid.