If you’re pregnant, you probably are looking for all of the advice that you can get your hands on. Having a baby is a major life change. Babies bring so much joy and work. But here are 6 of the worst things to handle after giving birth.

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Cluster Feeding
Cluster feeding is when the baby feeds for a little bit to a long time and then sleeps for a short time, then she will feed for a bit, then sleep for a short time. For my second baby, as soon as I got home, she decided to nurse literally every 5 minutes. I didn’t get any sleep the first night back in my own bed. It was really rough, I came out of my room and cried and told my husband (who was helping our older child) about my night. He took the baby and told me to go rest. Cluster feeding is the worst, but it will help you to produce enough milk for your baby.
When your milk comes in it can hurt a lot. It’s really uncomfortable and not a fun experience, but it will get better. When you have been breastfeeding for a while it will start to regulate and you won’t leak at night and it won’t hurt when your breasts are full.
If you gave birth vaginally you will cramp for a bit. It will be worse when you nurse your baby, but their cute little face will hopefully make up for it. A heating pad can help ease the comfort of these cramps as your body works to clear out your uterus.
First Poop (For both you and baby)
The first poop (or the first few poops) for baby is black and sticky, and gross. It is so hard to wipe that off of your baby. The poops will start to get yellow and not as sticky after a few days. For you the first poop after giving birth can seem scary and if you feel like you need it you can take a laxative to help make it easier. For me it was only mentally scary the first time since the pushing movement is a little bit like the pushing movement of giving birth.
When you are breastfeeding you will be hungry and thirsty a lot. Make sure you stay hydrated and have plenty of healthy snacks around to help you loose the baby weight and stay satiated.
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No Hot Food
When you’re caring for a baby, you can often forget to eat food in a timely manner. This means you often will end up with cold food and drinks even when you prepare a hot meal for your family. For hot drinks, get a thermos to help keep your drinks warm for a long time. For the food- it may just be something to get used to because your kid is likely to get more demanding as they approach the toddler years.