If you are extremely tight on money but you still need to eat, here is the meal plan you are looking for.
This is in no way healthy and it will not necessarily taste good. This will be incredibly repetitive. It does happen to be gluten free, dairy free, and vegan! (Unless you get some items from the if you can afford more section) Portions may also be quite small, just enough to keep you going.
All prices are from Walmart. This meal plan assumes you have no other food in your home. To make this meal plan, you will need at least a pot or an instant pot.

To Buy
Rice– $3.49 (80 oz white)
Oats– $3.52 (42 oz rolled)
Beans– $2.30 (32 oz dry)
Total: $9.31
Meal Plan
Breakfast- oats
Lunch- beans & rice
Dinner- beans & rice
If You Can Afford More
Potatoes- $4.00 (10 lbs)
Eggs- $1.98 (12)
Hot dogs- $1.38 (12 oz barS)
Carrots- $1.23 (1 lb bag)
Onions- $2.30 (3 lb bag)
Total: $10.89
Related: How To Have The Best Grilled Cheese
Potatoes can be mashed or chopped. There are many ways to eat potatoes and they provide many essential nutrients try roasting them, or pan frying them
Eggs fried, scrambled, over easy, or hard boiled. Try egg drop soup- drop an uncooked egg in boiling water
Hot dogs are the cheapest meat you can get, eat them plain, or on top of potatoes. Try them fried with onions, or diced in scrambled eggs.
Carrots will add more veggies. You can grate them and enjoy a carrot salad or roast them as a side to your main dish. You can also mash them by themselves or into your mashed potatoes or beans
Onions are mostly for flavor but they’re delicious, add them to beans, rice, potatoes, carrots, or eggs
Try some savory oats, with eggs, and hotdogs
Enjoy a simple salad of shredded carrots and chopped onions
Make a simple soup using, water, potatoes, onions, and carrots
Related: Meal Plan For 2 Weeks For Under $50
If you happen to have any seasonings they will be amazing at adding flavor to your meals. Some of the best spices include garlic powder, onion powder, parsley, paprika, and cumin. You can get most of these seasonings for under a dollar each. Cinnamon would be perfect for your oats.